
Deployable and Transformable Paper Structures

This is a video of some great experiments by Daniel Piker folding a sheet of paper into a rigid 3D structures.


Rain, rain, rain in London

This is the solution to your problems:
The Hands-Free Nubrella

More cool umbrellas here.

Baubotanik - The Art of Growing Structure

Why does the tree need to be chopped down to function as a structural element?

'Baubotanik' is a method of construction that utilizes living plants as the load bearing systems in architectural structures.



Imagine an Alternative Reality

Amazing photo realistic images from Erik Johansson!

Watch TED-Talk here


Manufacturing the Bespoke: Making and Prototyping Architecture

Book Launch
19:30 - 21:00 02 May 2012
Location: The Lobby Gallery, Wates House, 22 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0QB


Material Computation by Achim Menges

Interesting reading received by post today!